Religious Education

Religious Education at Hexton

How much better to get wisdom than gold, to get insight rather than silver!

At Hexton, our Religious Education is based on the Hertfordshire Agreed Syllabus. Our lessons present challenging questions about the ultimate meaning and purpose of life, right and wrong, beliefs about God and what it means to be human. Through our half-termly topics, children’s knowledge and understanding of Christianity and other religions and worldviews are developed, improving their perception of the wider world and the power of faiths and beliefs within contemporary society. We encourage pupils to ask, understand and consider thought-provoking questions through investigating the following eight key areas of religions and world views:

  • beliefs and practices,
  • sources of wisdom,
  • symbols and action,
  • prayer and worship,
  • identity and belonging,
  • ultimate questions,
  • human responsibility and values, and
  • justice and fairness.


As a community school, we welcome families of all faiths and those who choose not to follow a religion. We learn about and observe, through our weekly assemblies, the celebrations of a range of religions such as Eid, Easter, Passover and Sukkot. Children become theologically literate as they move through the school and by the time they reach the end of their primary education, are able to make connections between their understanding and knowledge of the six main religions. We encourage pupils to become tolerant young people who respect and understand the views of others, including the beliefs and practices of religions and other world views.

Some examples of our work in RE

Curriculum documents for RE

Websites to support RE learning (KS1 and 2) – a range of games and apps to explore world religions and all religious education content. (KS1) – video clips about some of the major world religions and also about non-religious beliefs. (KS2) – video clips about some of the major world religions and also about non-religious beliefs.